Organic Hits

Enhance Port Qasim: Dredging Project for Efficiency

Pakistan’s Port Qasim is set to commence extensive dredging works aimed at deepening, widening, and straightening its existing navigation channels, alongside commissioning an alternate inner navigation channel.

The initiative seeks to enhance the port’s capacity and facilitate smoother navigation for larger vessels.

The Port Qasim Authority (PQA) intends to declare a 14-meter draft for both the outer and inner channels upon completion of the works.

The scope of work includes widening the 18.5-kilometer-long outer channel to a minimum width of 290 meters and dredging it to a natural depth of -16 meters.

Similarly, the 26.5-kilometer-long main inner channel will be widened to a minimum width of 250 meters and dredged to a depth of -15.0 meters.

Additionally, the 20.5-kilometer-long alternate channel, comprising Chann Waddo, Rakhel, and Chara creeks, will be widened to a minimum width of 250 meters and dredged to a depth of -13.2 meter.

Other areas such as Qasim International Container Terminal (QICT-1), Marginal Wharf, and PQEPC channel up to basin will also undergo dredging.

Currently, ships with drafts up to 13 meters are permitted to navigate within Port Qasim channel.

The minimum declared dredged depths are -14.0 meters in the inner channel and -15.3 meters in the outer channel.

These depths will be maintained during the dredging period to ensure uninterrupted shipping operations.

The port presently has 18 berths (15 in private sector) with annual handling capacity of 89 million tons.

All commodities ranging from minerals oils, edible oil, coal, rice, wheat, cement to fertilizers, general cargo, containers and LNG are being handled in the port at state-of-the-art terminals. It is the energy hub and only LNG Port of Pakistan.

PQA intends to contract an appropriately qualified dredging company through a competitive tendering process, which is scheduled to close on March 17.

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